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Hello! If you're interested in sharing the story "Pimple," our debut of MicroToons with your classroom or organisation, please let us know by emailing We would also love to know your thoughts and feedback! MicroToons is more than just an animated story about microbiology. The collaboration between microbiologist Dr Rina Fu, animation studio Red Bird Creative and disabilities provider 4lifeskills represents what can achieved when emerging artists who live with disabilities are provided an opportunity. A number of the artists on the creative team live with autism, the youngest being a Year 12 student who was already involved with Red Bird for work experience. As Red Bird has regularly hosted students as well as having experience with artists living with autism, Red Bird founder Aaron Welch saw the project as an opportunity to empower people with autism and engage theirs peers in STEM. The MicroToons journey started in early 2020 when Aaron met Dr Rina at a networking event. In learning about each other's enthusiasm for storyetlling and providing opportunity, the idea quickly grew into a story idea and a grant application to National Science Week. Once MicroToons was announced as one of the four WA successful recipients Dr Rina and Aaron began working on story and bringing together the creative team. After countless hours and an amazing effort by all, MicroToons made its debut at a public launch event on the 9th August to a capacity crowd at Kelmscott Bulldogs Football Club. The reception was fantastic and Dr Rina and Aaron could not have been prouder of what the team achieved with the animation, and immensely grateful to all the volunteers who made the night possible and engaged with the public on the night. MicroToons became more than a just a short animation. By engaging people with all abilities, science can be accessible to all. While the story is about having fun and creativity, there is still scientific accuracy. Who knows what may come next. But Dr Rina and Aaron certainly hope there will be more MicroToons stories to tell! Look forward to your comments and feedback! © 2021 Dr Rina. All rights reserved. A Red Bird Creative production in association with Dr Rina.
Arte, Ciência e um Divã | EP01 - Arte, Ciência, Loucura e Sanidade

Arte, Ciência e um Divã | EP01 - Arte, Ciência, Loucura e Sanidade

The series presents the work from two analysts who use different artistic languages in a dual approach in the treatment of their patients, breaking down prejudices and unraveling new approaches with surprising results. A série apresenta o trabalho de dois analistas que utilizam diferentes linguagens artísticas numa aproximação dual no tratamento de seus pacientes, quebrando preconceitos e desvendando novas abordagens com resultados surpreendentes. EP01 – Art, Science, Insanity and Sanity Therapists Isac Germano Karniol and Patrícia Siqueira Lopes Karniol use art to treat their patients while seeking the release of their inner self in a surprising journey to unravel the misteries of the human mind EP01 – Arte, Ciência, Loucura e Sanidade Os analistas Isac Germano Karniol e Patrícia Siqueira Lopes Karniol usam a arte no tratamento de seus pacientes na busca pela libertação do “eu interno” em uma jornada surpreendente para desvendar os mistérios da mente humana. 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘇𝗮çã𝗼: Cão Bravo Produções 𝗘𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘀: André Grecco 𝗗𝗶𝗿𝗲çã𝗼: Adriana S. Lopes 𝗘𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗼𝘀: Isac Germano Karniol (psiquiatra e psicanalista) Patrícia S. Lopes Karniol (psicóloga e psicanalista) Sonia Novaes de Rezende (psicóloga e psicanalista) Enock Sacramento (crítico e curador de arte) Antônio Muniz de Rezende (psicanalista, doutor em Filosofia e Teologia) Egas Francisco (artista plástico) Plinio Montagna (psiquiatra e psicanalista) Márcia Nogueira Q. de Castro (artista e professora de ciências) Matheus Pamplona (ator e bailarino) Maria Inês S. Parada (artista plástica e escritora) Nelson de Jesus Parada (professor universitário e gestor em ciência tecnologia e inovação) Fabricius Nery (pintor e desenhista) Arthur Blade (artista plástico, ator e psicanalista) Luiz Carlos de Carvalho (restaurador e empresário no ramo de molduras) Robinéia da Costa Seraphim (professora de arte) Seven (nome fictício, aluno e estudo de caso tema do Livro “Bullying - Quem são os alvos?”) 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂çã𝗼: André Grecco e Adriana S. Lopes 𝗔𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗱𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂çã𝗼: Bárbara Craveiro 𝗜𝗻𝘁é𝗿𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗹𝗵𝗮 𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗮: Ronaldo Mariani e Mateus Espadoto 𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗲𝘁𝗮: vídeo gentilmente cedido por Katxerê Medina e Oscar Svanelid Instagram: @artecienciaeumdiva Facebook: /artecienciaeumdiva #artecienciaeumdiva #documentario #psiquiatria #psicologia #psicanalise #arte
oeil de terra (sous titre anglais)
grydscaen: scout eve anime web series  Episode 3.5 "Iron Iodine Lotus  Cut Ukraine"

grydscaen: scout eve anime web series Episode 3.5 "Iron Iodine Lotus Cut Ukraine"

Indie Anime - grydscaen: scout eve EP3 Iron Iodine Lotus Resistance Cut AWARD WINNING NEWS 04 April 2022 received notice that grydscaen: scout eve anime web series won "Best Animation - Finalist" at the Ukraine Onkyo Films Awards. ANNOUNCEMENT In support for Ukraine, all royalties from sale of "grydscaen: the lost ground" anthology released March 2022 featuring short stories "Child Solder" and "The Refugee" will be donated to Humanitarian Relief efforts for the month of April 2022. Donation will be placed through Facebook Charity feature wit details posted on the @NatsuyaUesugiAuthor Facebook page sponsored by Natsukoarts Design Studio at: ABOUT GRYDSCAEN: SCOUT EVE EPISODE 3 When the world's democracies teetered too close to the sun unleashing nuclear war plunging the world into veiled autocracy radioactive fallout killing millions, those that survived developed psychic powers. Afraid those powers would threaten control, the Elite Government passed oppressive Article 15 Thought Crime laws unopposed for fear of retaliation to maintain the social order. But it was one voice, outspoken opposition leader of the Packrat hackers, Faid Callen with nothing to lose who dared risk everything to change the world in a fight for equality and justice he'd need a miracle to win. As Article 15 swept through the Echelons stripping non-citizens and marginalized psychics of their rights, The powerful Elite Triumvirate led by ZenZen sent Faid's former hacker mentor, Kaizen the Immaculate after him. Yet, Kaizen's former student learned his lessons well. The world is changing. The grydscaen is all around you. Faid formed the Packrats to fight for equality, truth, justice. Will you join the fight? This is who we are. Based on the award-winning indie cyberpunk YA grydscaen novels and manga by Natsuya Uesugi. FILMOGRAPHY Storyboards from grydscaen: psycho dive 1 manga (chapter 6) Original story adapted from books grydscaen: dark & grydscaen: scout (from the grydscaen cyberpunk series) Original novel/manga written & illustrated by Natsuya Uesugi Animation Production: Natsukoarts Design Studio Post-Production: broken typewriter (Natsuya Uesugi) Copyright 2021 Natsuya Uesugi grydscaen(R) is a registered trademark of Natsuya Uesugi DuBois --------- NOTE: This Special grydscaen: scout eve - Episode 3 Ukraine Lotus Resistance Unlisted YouTube ALT" Cut was specifically designed for the Brazil International Monthly Independent Film Festival (BIMFF) for screening on 12 -18 June 2022. I am honoured and thank BIMFF for the opportunity. All praise to the Universe that made this opportunity possible. Natsuya Uesugi [Director/Writer/Producer/Soundtrack/Actor] --------- Do you see the sky brighter? GRYDSCAEN: SCOUT EVE INDIE WEB SERIES (SEASON 1) -------------------------------------------- grydscaen indie anime web series screen tests Episode 00 - "Rogue" Test: Episode 00 - "A Storm's Coming" Pilot: ----- grydscaen: scout eve indie anime web series Episode 1: Episode 2: Episode 3: - "Ukraine Iron Lotus Resistance YT Cut" Episode 3: - "Main Cut" Episode 4: Episode 5: Season Finale - In Production (Premiere: July 2022) GRYDSCAEN: SCOUT EVE INDIE WEB SERIES TEASERS (SEASON 1) ---------------------------------- "Hack the Mainframe ED" - "Hackers Unite - ROM #Short" - "Hackers Unite - Faid Equality #short - "Packrat Newsfeed TVs" - "Hackers Unite ROM Graphitti: - "Hackers Unite I AM Faid" - "grydscaen: my blue elysium Isekai teaser" - "Patch All Systems teaser" - "ROM The Truth Will Not Be Silenced #short" - "The Nuclear Blast Came Suddenly" - "EP2 Teaser - Hacker ROM Teaser #short" - "EP3 Teaser - Hacker Faid Teaser #short" - "EP4 Teaser - Into The Light Teaser #short" - "EP4 Teaser - Ode To Lakshmi Omnibus AI #short" - "EP4 Teaser - ROM Is Psychic #short" - #ThisIsWhoWeAre
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